2024 is going to be quite a busy year. I’ll be developing new play ideas, prepping some plays for their premiere productions and learning more about my duties as a trustee for the Children’s Theatre Foundation of America.
Here are a few other things I’ll be focusing on:
Finding a literary agent to represent my novel version of Luchadora!
The Alebrije Writers Collective. I co-founded a Latinx writers collective with playwright Mabelle Reynoso. Every play created by the collective will be co-authored. Our first official project is a paletero superhero play! We already have a rough first draft. More details soon.
Rewriting! In preparation for their future premieres, I am continuing to shape the scripts for my adaptation of Esperanza Rising as well as a BIPOC superhero play called Quetzali & The Comic Queen vs. The Alebrije of Darkness: Live in the school cafeteria.
Researching. I am in the beginning stages of doing research for new play inspired by the short story “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” I have always been fascinated by this story and I hope to create a new adaptation that is a bit spooky and doesn’t require a horse!